
Resak Wood: Properties and Applications   Introduction Resak wood is sourced from Cotylelobium spp. and Vatica spp. and is commonly known as resak in Malaysia. The heartwood varies from pale yellow to deep red-brown, with species-specific grain patterns. Resak is known for its strength, durability, and versatility in heavy-duty applications. Key Characteristics Density: A Heavy…


Rengas Wood: Features and Applications   Introduction Rengas wood, derived from Gluta spp. and Melanochyla spp., is known for its striking dark red-brown or deep blood-red heartwood with black streaks. It is a prized cabinet wood in Malaysia, commonly referred to as rengas with various epithets across the region. Key Characteristics Density: Medium Hardwood with…

Pulai Wood

Pulai Wood: Characteristics and Applications

Pulai Wood: Characteristics and Applications Pulai wood, sourced from Alstonia spp., is widely known for its light color and versatile uses. It is commonly referred to as mergalang, pulai, and sayongan across Malaysia and Southeast Asia, with international names such as Milky Pine and White Cheesewood. The wood is cream to light yellow in color,…

Podo Wood

Podo Wood: Characteristics and Applications

Podo Wood: Characteristics and Applications Introduction Podo wood comes from species such as Dacrycarpus imbricatus, Nageia spp., and Podocarpus spp. It is known by various names across Malaysia and Southeast Asia, such as podo, jati bukit, rempayan, and kayu china. The wood’s heartwood has a light yellow to golden-brown hue with a greenish tinge, making…

Penyau Wood: The Ultimate Choice for Durability and Strength

Penyau Wood: The Ultimate Choice for Durability and Strength Introduction Penyau, the Standard Malaysian Name and ASEAN Standard Name for Upuna borneensis (family Dipterocarpaceae), is a renowned wood species known for its resilience and strength. In Malaysia, it is commonly referred to as “penyau,” while in Indonesia, it’s known as balau penyau or penyau tanduk.…

Nyatoh Wood

Nyatoh Wood: A Comprehensive Guide

Nyatoh Wood: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction Nyatoh is the Standard Malaysian Name for light, reddish wood from the family Sapotaceae. This versatile wood is known by various names across Malaysia, including bengku, ekor, jangkar, rian, and more, depending on the region. Major species contributing to Nyatoh wood include Madhuca curtisii, M. kingiana, Palaquium gutta, P.…

Mersawa Wood

Mersawa Wood: A Comprehensive Guide

Mersawa Wood: A Comprehensive Guide   Introduction Mersawa is the Standard Malaysian Name for the wood of Anisoptera species, part of the Dipterocarpaceae family. Common vernacular names include kijal (Terengganu), loh (Pahang), medang sawa (Peninsular Malaysia), mersawa (Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak), pengiran (Sabah), rengkong (Pahang), sanai (Peninsular Malaysia), and terbak (Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan). Major species…