Wood Usage

Discover the Beauty and Versatility of Sengkuang Wood

Discover the Beauty and Versatility of Sengkuang Wood   Sengkuang is the Standard Malaysian Name for the wood of Dracontomelon dao, a species belonging to the Anacardiaceae family. In Malaysia, it is also commonly known as Mati Anak. This hardwood is highly sought after for its distinctive grain patterns, varied natural colors, and versatility in…

Meranti Bakau

Meranti Bakau   Introduction Meranti Bakau is the Standard Malaysian Name for the wood of Shorea uliginosa (Dipterocarpaceae). It is also known by local names such as Meranti Paya (in error in Peninsular Malaysia), Meranti Tenggelam (Perak), and Seraya Buaya Hantu (Sabah). This wood is mainly derived from Shorea uliginosa, though it can sometimes be…

Pauh Kijang 

Pauh Kijang    Introduction Pauh Kijang, the Standard Malaysian Name for Irvingia malayana, is a distinguished wood species recognized across Malaysia. Known as KABOK in ASEAN, this wood boasts a yellow-brown heartwood with a slight greenish tinge and a lighter sapwood. Some logs feature striking dark grey-brown streaks, adding aesthetic appeal to the material. Other…

Mertas – Premium Malaysian Wood

Mertas – Premium Malaysian Wood Introduction Mertas is the standard Malaysian and ASEAN name for the wood of Ctenolophon parvifolius (Ctenolophonaceae). The sapwood blends seamlessly with the heartwood, showcasing a striking brown to purple-red-brown hue. Locally, it is often referred to as besi-besi in Sabah and litoh in Sarawak. However, the tree is sometimes mistakenly…

Discover the Timeless Beauty and Versatility of Sungkai Wood: The Perfect Choice for Quality Craftsmanship

Discover the Timeless Beauty and Versatility of Sungkai Wood: The Perfect Choice for Quality Craftsmanship   Introduction Sungkai, commonly known in Malaysia as the wood of Peronema canescens (Verbenaceae), is a prized material in the woodworking and construction industries. With its heartwood ranging from cream-colored to light yellow or light brown, Sungkai closely resembles teak…