Merbatu wood

Merbatu Wood: A Comprehensive Overview

Merbatu Wood: A Comprehensive Overview Introduction Merbatu is the Standard Malaysian Name and the ASEAN Standard Name for the wood of various species including Atuna spp., Kostermanthus spp., Licania spp., Maranthes corymbosa, and Parinari spp. (Chrysobalanaceae). The trees are also known by several other vernacular names such as kemalau (Peninsular Malaysia), kukut (Sarawak), mentelor (Peninsular…

Merawan wood

Merawan Wood: Characteristics and Applications

Merawan Wood: Characteristics and Applications   Introduction Merawan wood refers to the light wood obtained from various species of the Hopea genus (family Dipterocarpaceae). In Malaysia, it is commonly known as “Merawan” with different epithets depending on the region, such as “Luis” and “Mang” in Sarawak, and “Selangan” in Sabah and Sarawak. In Sabah, “Gagil”…